Sunday, February 6, 2011

O.C. D.A. Leads the Way

The Orange County D.A. shows timorous Canuckis (so quick to cite "security concerns" and cancel events featuring "controversial," i.e. politically incorrect, speakers) how to deal with threatening/disruptive "protesters". From the L.A. Times:
The Orange County district attorney’s office on Friday charged 11 defendants with conspiring to disrupt a meeting and a speech by the Israeli ambassador to the United States at UC Irvine last year.
The move comes after about 50 protesters rallied in front of the Orange County district attorney’s office Tuesday. Though some have criticized the students’ method of protest, many said that university punishment was sufficient enough for the “Irvine 11,” as the students came to be known.

In a statement, Orange County Dist. Atty.Tony Rackauckas said the case was filed because of an “organized attempted to squelch the speaker.” He also said the students “meant to stop this speech and stop anyone else from hearing his ideas, and they did so by disrupting a lawful meeting.”

“We must decide whether we are a country of laws or a country of anarchy,” he said. “We cannot tolerate a pre-planned violation of the law, even if the crime takes place on a school campus and even if the defendants are college students. In our democratic society, we cannot tolerate a deliberate, organized, repetitive and collective effort to significantly disrupt a speaker who hundreds assembled to hear.” ...
Exactly. Kudos to a man who understands that "free speech" is only free if you're willing to stand up and defend it against those who believe that they have the "right"--by virtue of their own supposedly inherent and therefore unquestionable virtuousness--to shout it down.


Blazingcatfur said...

Let's not forget University of Ottawa Poobah Allan Rock's role in l'affaire Coulter. I wish we could charge him with conspiracy to violate human rights.

scaramouche said...

Since he can't be charged, heaping him will scorn and withering ridicule will have to suffice.

rasp said...

Okay this guy is my hero of the day. I feel it is important to note the Rackauckas is elected to that position. This is his forth term, ran unopposed. Apparently he is referred to as T-Rack.

Okay, my point is: We need more elected positions in Canada: Federal, provincial, local.