Tuesday, April 17, 2012

EUnuchs Hand Hitler a Posthumous Win

Europe has Holocaust memorials up the yin-yang. What it doesn't seem to have much of these days is real, live Jews. Mark Steyn (see him at Steynamite! on the 24th) explains that that's because of residual guilt over the Holocaust which, in a perverse and brutal irony, has benefited an entirely different set of Semites:
Thus, posterity's jest. Pre-war Europeans would never have entertained for a moment the construction of mosques from Malmö to Marseilles. But post-war Holocaust guilt, and the revulsion against nationalism and the embrace of multiculturalism and mass immigration, enabled the Islamization of Europe. The principal beneficiaries of the Continent's penance for the great moral stain of the 20th century turned out to be the Muslims — with the Jews on the receiving end, yet again.

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