Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Copenhagen Deal in Dire Straits

Ban Ki Moon is not amused at how "rich" countries are all but putting the kibosh on the UN's Shekels-for-Carbon-Credits (a.k.a. Money-for-Nothin') scheme, reports the Ceeb:
The dickering at the Copenhagen climate conference prompted some chiding on Tuesday from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Speaking on his arrival at UN climate change talks Copenhagen, he said rich and poor countries must "stop pointing fingers" and raise their climate targets.

Ban wants negotiators to settle their differences in the next few days, saying it would be a "serious mistake" to leave the main negotiations to world leaders. They arrive later this week.

"This is a time where they should exercise the leadership," Ban said. "And this is a time to stop pointing fingers, and this is a time to start looking in the mirror and offering what they can do more, both the developed and the developing countries."

On Monday, the G77 — a group of developing countries that includes China, Brazil and India — led a boycott of talks at the climate change summit.

Formal working groups were cancelled at the 192-country conference after developing states called for the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to be extended past 2012, when it is expected to expire.

The boycott ended later the same day following informal talks.

Ban warned that if negotiators cannot find a resolution before world leaders arrive starting Tuesday, "the outcome will be either a weak one, or there will be no agreement."...
Yeah, that would be a shame. Right, Ban?

Well look at them rich folks,that’s the way they do it--
They give you shekels: call it “guilt” money.
That ain’t workin’, that’s the way we do
Get their money for nothing, get their loot for free.
Now that ain’t workin, that’s the way we do it.
Lemme tell ya those guys are dumb.
Maybe tell control freaks they can save the planet.
Maybe for a real big sum.

We gotta recall CRU climate models
Customized to hype climate fury.
We gotta con these dee-veloped nations
We gotta slam their eco-infamy…
(I want my, I want my, I want my world treaty. I want my, I want my, I want my world treaty...)

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