•Through funding from the HREMF [Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund], Stage Left Productions offered a social justice leadership program for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, intersexual, queer and questioning youth (LGBTTIQ). The participants in this program helped develop a safe space model guide for school administrators and teachers titled OUTSpoken: Youth Supporting Safe Schools. The guide addresses the legal, ethical and professional responsibilities to ensure that all students are provided with safe, caring and inclusive learning environments that respect and affirm their individual identities and experiences. It also provides student perspectives on how they can connect as a community and become more involved. The guide was distributed to a number of schools in the Calgary area. The participants also helped develop an advocacy guide, a LGBTTIQ health competency tool, and workshop. To order these resources contact Stage Left Productions.I'm glad that everyone in these highly specific categories will be able to have their identities and experiences affirmed at Alberta taxpayers' expense. My question: Why is the Aboriginal gay category not included in the acronym? That's not being terribly "inclusive," if you ask me. I think the 2-spirited might have to file a "human rights" complaint about that.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Left Out of the Victim Group
Found this one in the Alberta Human Rights Commission's newsletter:
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