Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Canadians Balk at Idiotic Social Doctrine

You know that bill of goods Pierre Trudeau sold us--i.e. " official multiculturalism"? According to a new poll, a lot of Canadians aren't so keen on it. From the Toronto Sun:

OTTAWA — For many, it is one of the things that defines Canada, something that sets an example for other countries.
However, according to a new poll, Canadians feel Canada’s Multiculturalism Act contributes less to Canadian unity than either the Charter of Rights or the Official Languages Act.
The poll, conducted by Leger Marketing for the Association for Canadian Studies and released exclusively to QMI Agency, found that as Canadian multiculturalism gets ready to mark its 40th anniversary next year, only 55% of Canadians feel it is good for Canadian unity.
By comparison, 73.2% said the Charter of Rights contributes to Canadian unity and 57.8% agreed the Official Languages Act did.
Jack Jedwab, executive director of the association, said the low support for Canada’s multiculturalism act likely stems from poor government promotion and concerns it undermines charter rights such as gender equality.
“We have to reinforce the fact that multiculturalism is consistent with charter rights and not contradicting them,” Jedwab said. “Because the critics have been suggesting that multiculturalism — or the message behind it — risks undercutting those rights like gender equality.”
I can't tell you how heartened I am that not all Canadians have swallowed the tutti-frutti Trudeaupian Kool-Aid that brainwashes you into believing that everyone's culture/ethnicity/national origin is equally marvelous (while "Canada" is simply a big, empty closet in which newcomers can hang their exotic, colourfully embroidered coats). It means there's still hope for us after all.

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