Friday, February 5, 2010

Hotels and Hannibal Not a Good Mix

Ritzy hotels seem to bring out the worst in Moo Moo Gadaffi's skeevy spawn Hannibal. Jordanian website Albawaba (a particular favorite of mine if only because it reminds me of Chumbawumba, a one-hit-wonder Brit band from the 90s) details Hannibal's latest hotel mischief:
Hannibal Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, entered British tabloids Wednesday after police responded to a woman’s scream from his London hotel suite. Hannibal Gaddafi, 33, was vacationing at the near-$6,500-a-night suite at the Claridge’s hotel on Christmas Day with his Lebanese model wife, Aline Skaf, and their children when a fight had reportedly erupted at around 1:30 am, the Daily Mail reports.
Police spared Gaddafi’s arrest after the Libyan ambassador informed officers of his diplomatic immunity. An ambulance later took Mrs. Skaf to a local hospital where she was treated for facial injuries. Mrs. Skaff told police that her injuries were sustained by a fall and not from an attack. His bodyguards were arrested for obstructing police officers, though they were later released...
Some of his previous hotel hijinks:

In July 2008, Swiss police arrested him and his then pregnant wife for mistreating hotel staff in a Geneva hotel. In 2005, Mr. Gaddafi was arrested at a Paris hotel for beating a woman. He later moved to a second hotel where hotel management accused him of damaging furniture in his suite.
Fun guest.

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