Friday, February 12, 2010

Palestine House 'Services'

BCF shines a light on taxpayer-funded Palestine House's involvement with pro-Hamas/anti-Israel "protests". In an effort to shut off the lights (because such scrutiny reveals it to be in the shady game of fomenting Zionhass, and not, stictly speaking, the "cultural" and "service" entity it claims to be) PH posted the following statement on its site:
Recent media articles in the Canadian press have reported on an RCMP investigation in an alleged fraud case involving 300 immigration files using the Palestine House address as place of residency. Since some of the media headlines have been misleading, we reiterate that Palestine House is not involved in this case and is not under investigation in any way.
We take this opportunity to clarify, that the investigation involves a former tenant that rented an office at the Palestine House building. This tenant is not a Palestine House member or involved in any Palestine House activities. The office was being rented as a private immigration consultation business on the second floor. Furthermore, this tenant left the Palestine House building in 2007.
We urge all media outlets to assure they make the distinction very clearly between Palestine House and businesses renting an office in the same building.
We at Palestine House take great pride in our beneficial work within the surrounding community and in fostering a safe, supportive atmosphere for all those who require our services.
Riiiiight. Here's an example of the safe, supportive atmosphere it helps foster. And here's a safety-minded, super-supportive video.


  1. That's Rafeef Ziadah, of Palestine House, leading the chants at the beginning of the video.

  2. Fun chick. Lots of spunk. If only she used it for good, not evil.

  3. Listening to her high-pitched voice is like driving a spike into my head.
