Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sit On It, Censors

Robert Spencer comments on the motivations of Geert Wilders's persecutors/prosecutors:
The idea that intentionally offending someone is a criminal offense should be a matter for Kafka or comic opera, but such is the advance of multiculturalism in the Netherlands today, and the rest of Europe is not all that far behind. The real purpose of the Wilders trial is twofold: first, the Dutch political establishment hopes to use it to stop the meteoric rise of the upstart Wilders, who challenges so many of the core assumptions upon which current Dutch and European Union policy are based. And since one of those policies is unrestricted immigration from Muslim countries, they hope to discredit Wilders's work in exposing how Islamic jihadists use violent passages of the Koran to justify violence and supremacism...
See, if offending people is a "crime," and you can't use the truth to defend yourself, you are ipso facto living in a tyranny. And if there's one thing tyrants hate and feel enormously threatened by, it's people who refuse to be muzzled, and who continue to act and speak as though they were still free; also, the tyrants don't much like it when you expose their tyrannical exploits to public view since it makes the hoi polloi that much harder to control. Hence the battle royale being waged in Canada (a bigger, colder version of Holland, only without the legal hookers and hash brownies) between the Queen Censor and her court, and those cheeky anti-authoritarian human whoopee cushions (sit on them, and they make rude noises), Steyn and Levant.

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