Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Windmills of Khaled's Mind

Even though the Ceej insists all is now hearts and flowers between Official Jewry and the United Church of Canada, a.k.a. the churchy NDP (the two had had nasty words re the leftists' perennial pet peeve, the Zionist entity) someone seems to have forgotten to inform UCC ally, Khaled Mouammar, to knock it off with the Zionhass. The Jewish Tribune's Atara Berk reports on a particularly fraught press conference during which the CAF honcho, much like that angry Arab dude at Oxford, endeavoured to 'splain things:
TORONTO – A regional branch of the United Church of Canada (UCC), along with a number of like-minded groups, held a vehemently anti-Israel press conference last week at the Religious Society of Friends.
Together with the Toronto chapter of Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), Muslim Unity Group, Canadian Arab Federation (CAF), Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) and the Toronto Quaker community, the South West Presbytery of the United Church called a poorly attended news conference, to protest what they said was the “Harper government’s dismal record on human rights for Palestinians and the growing Canadian movement to uphold those rights.”

But it didn’t take long for the press conference to turn to Israel-bashing and anti-Zionism.

Khaled Mouammar, president of the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF), declared that the current Canadian government “helps to foster antisemitism” by linking anti-Zionism to antisemitism...
So if I understand him correctly, pointing out that pathological Israel-hate is a form of pathological Jew-hate only serves to create more pathological Jew-hate, which, in our era, is frequently manifested as pathological Israel-hate.

Good to know.

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