Saturday, March 13, 2010

Anti-Dhimmitude in England

Just when you've about given up on the Brits, they go and do something like this (from the Daily Mail; my bolds):
Victory was being celebrated yesterday in the leafy avenues and Victorian villas of Camberley.

In a triumph for local democracy, a plan to build a huge £3 million mosque with two 100ft minarets, which would have been visible from Sandhurst Royal Military Academy, was thrown out on Wednesday night by the town's councillors.

A thousand people from the affluent Surrey town queued to get into the meeting, some waiting for hours from 9am to get in.
The mosque is planned to overlook Sandhurst military academy.
They waved placards declaring: 'Camberley Says No', 'Hands Off Our Heritage' and 'We Want Justice.' When the result was announced, just before 11pm, there were jubilant roars inside the public meeting - and from the crowds outside.
Protesters claimed the plan for the mosque in the heart of Camberley was an inflammatory act of provocation by the Muslim community, intended to show their cultural superiority.
In return, the mosque's supporters accused them of being racist and hostile to the Islamic way of life.
Here was an extraordinary clash between Christians and Muslims in the heart of the Surrey commuter belt.
The mosque plan had been devised by a radical Islamic group which supports polygamy, the amputation of thieves' hands, the veiling of women, and the killing of non-Muslims if they refuse to convert to Islam.
During a planning battle lasting months, 6,000 people signed a petition objecting to the new mosque, which was to be built on the site of a listed former church primary school where many locals had been educated.
Local Church leaders weighed in, saying the building would create antagonism for many years in a part of the country where only 2 per cent of the population are Muslim.
One vicar declared that the mosque proposal was a 'supremacist' act; another warned it was a 'political statement' rather than a religious one by the Islamic community.
Of course, this was denied by local Muslims...
Of course.

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