Saturday, March 13, 2010

By Their Heroes Shall Ye Know Them

As Shrillery gets her Spanx in a twist over Jews building stuff (the impediment to "peace" talks, we are told), the reputed "moderate" faction of Palestinians, the one the Jews are supposed to "take risks" and "make great sacrifices" for have shown the world their true colours by honouring a heinous Jew-hater/terrorista. From the NYT (my bolds):
EL BIREH, West Bank — Dozens of Palestinian students from the youth division of Fatah, the mainstream party led by President Mahmoud Abbas, gathered here on Thursday to dedicate a public square to the memory of a woman who in 1978 helped carry out the deadliest terrorist attack in Israel’s history.

The woman being honored, Dalal Mughrabi, was the 19-year-old leader of a Palestinian squad that sailed from Lebanon and landed on a beach between Haifa and Tel Aviv. They killed an American photojournalist, hijacked a bus and commandeered another, embarking on a bloody rampage that left 38 Israeli civilians dead, 13 of them children, according to official Israeli figures. Ms. Mughrabi and several other attackers were killed.

To Israelis, hailing Ms. Mughrabi as a heroine and a martyr is an act that glorifies terrorism.

But, underscoring the chasm between Israeli and Palestinian perceptions, the Fatah representatives described Ms. Mughrabi as a courageous fighter who held a proud place in Palestinian history. Defiant, they insisted that they would not let Israel dictate the names of Palestinian streets and squares.

“We are all Dalal Mughrabi,” declared Tawfiq Tirawi, a member of the Fatah Central Committee, the party’s main decision-making body, who came to join the students. “For us she is not a terrorist,” he said, but rather “a fighter who fought for the liberation of her own land.”...
Exactly. Tell me, Mrs. Clinton, would you negotiate with the "freedom fighters" of al Qaeda who sought to "liberate" infidel land by plowing large airliners into American landmarks? Would you negotiate with the "freedom fighters" of the Taliban, who seek to "liberate" their land from the infidel invader? Then why would you force Israel to negotiate with jihadis who want to "liberate" Israel and turn it into Palestine? Somehow the logic of it all escapes me (mostly because there isn't any).

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