Saturday, March 6, 2010

Der Spiegel Joins the Wilders Gang-Bang

Der Spiegel joins the dhimmi weasel choir slamming Geert Wilders. The rag claims Wilders, not Islam is Holland's biggest problem:
Geert Wilders and his anti-Islam Freedom Party party did well in Dutch municipal elections on Wednesday. Still, despite the attention the populist party attracts, it still has a long way to go if it wants power on the national stage, say German commentators.
General elections in Holland aren't scheduled until June. But municipal polls on Wednesday may have provided a peek at how the populist, anti-Islam Freedom Party (PVV) of Geert Wilders' might fare. And for many, the glimpse is cause for some concern.

Election results show that Wilders' party came out in front in the town of Almere and finished in second place in The Hague, the only two municipalities -- of 394 -- where his party put up candidates.

"Today Almere and The Hague, tomorrow the whole of the Netherlands," Wilders said Wednesday night, according to the AP. "We're going to take the Netherlands back from the leftist elite that coddles criminals and supports Islamization." Given the weak showing by the Christian Democrats and the Labor party -- which shared power in a national coalition until it collapsed last month over the country's Afghanistan deployment -- Wednesday's vote could signal that the Freedom Party may be a key player in June.

Wilders, 46, is known for his outspoken anti-Islam and anti-immigrant views. He has called for headscarves to be banned in public buildings, compares the Koran with Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and wants to see "urban commandos" provide "additional safety" on city streets. He is currently facing charges for inciting hatred. On Friday, he is in Britain for a showing of his controversial, anti-Muslim film "Fitna."

In Friday's newspapers, German commentators express disappointment at Wilders' success but add that his party doesn't have the manpower yet to act on the national stage. At the same time, they also see it as a ominous sign, worrying that the troubles there might soon find their way to Germany...
Newsflash for you, Germans. Fitna is an anti-sharia film, not an anti-Muslim one; surely you can see the distinction. And those "troubles" you're so worried about? They've already arrived.

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