Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny, She Doesn't Look...

She "reverted" to Islam and wanted to wage a holy war against infidels. She was allegedly involved in a plot to kill a "blasphemous" Swedish cartoonist. And yet, "Jihad Jane's" boyfriend of five years insists she "is not religious."

M'kay. I guess it depends on what your defintion of "religious" is.

The most revealing aspect of this AP report (posted on youtube)--aside from the silly neighbour who is horrified that such a thing was occurring right under her nose, but says she prefers to be kept in the dark about such matters to spare her the upset--is a pair of comments left by someone whose nom de Web is "attorneydestroyusa." After first observing that Jihad Jane is "another jew whore,"  attorneydestroyusua says this (the asterisks are mine):
she is another crying wolf jew. This is no different than the jew who spray jew hate on her front door and cried wolf. F*ck all jews. They are the formed sh*t of of satan and their faggot deity of war g-d
Can't you feel the love? If I were authorities, I think I might try to determine the real identity of attorneydestroyusa. He (she?) sounds like the type of person who might be persuaded to, say, boobytrap his underpants.

Update: ABC reports that several bloggers have been tracking Jihad Jane--and watching her becoming increasingly radical--for the past three years. I wonder if attorneydestroyusa is on their GPS.

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