Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tulip in Trouble

The guy who's been tapped to head Rights and Democracy has broken one of the biggest taboos in Canada: He has criticized the unfettered immigration of Muslims. That's a huge no-no here in the Dominion of Virtue, where we've been sold a bill of goods about how "diversity" is invariably a net good for society. Gerard Latulipe (or "the tulip," if you Anglicize it) argues (as quoted in the Globe and Mail) that "the concentration of immigrants in Montreal, as well as the 'geographic concentration of more and more immigrants from Muslim countries,' undermined 'the proper functioning of Quebec society.'"

What an awful thing to say, Mr. Tulip. Why, just because, say, a Jewish teacher is chased from her classroom by hateful, rowdy kids from Dar al Islam, it doesn't mean that Muslim newcomers from sharia-ridden lands pose any threat at all to Jews in particular or Canadians in general.

Understandably, some Muslim "rights" groups are up in arms (figuratively speaking, of course) about the flowerly utterances:
“In our opinion this promotes an unfounded fear of Muslims and of Muslim immigration in Canada,” said Ihsaan Gardee of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Canada.

“This is not consistent with the values of tolerance and acceptance enshrined in our Canadian Charter [of Rights and Freedoms] …

“Mr. Latulippe has a right to his opinion, but it's a whole other story when it's taxpayers' money going to someone whose values don't reflect what's in our Charter.”
Ah, yes, our ever-loving Charter. The be-all and end-all of Canadian "rights"--and about as likely to keep us free --and free from creeping sharia--as a box of Kleenex.

Me? I have no problem with Muslim immigration--so long as immigrants are sincere in renouncing this line: "Jihad is the way; sharia is the goal."

Update: Barbara Kay wrote the following about Charter-loving "human rights" activist Gardee and his outfit last year:

It is more than a little ironic that in this week's issue, Maclean's chose for a supposedly credible commentator on Islam and violence Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations Canada (CAIR-Can). CAIR-Can has never repudiated terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah and is under the direction and control of CAIR, an American organization designated as an "unindicted co-conspirator" by the U.S. Justice Department in the Holy Land terror financing trial, and rooted in the tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood, the intellectual fountainhead of Sunni Islamic radicalism.
No, no, Barbara, you have it all wrong. CAIR-CAN says it's wholly independent from the American organization, and is not rooted in the tenets of the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR-CAN reveres our Charter, that Trudeaupian infidel document. And anyone who says otherwise is a raving "bigot" al la La Tulip (at least, that's what Gardee is hoping we'll think).

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