Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wooly Bully

Harpoon Siddiqui, shill for the Islamist viewpoint, is hot and bothered about how people aren't taking Israel Apartheid Week lying down, which he describes as "posturing" (because, as we know, Islamists and leftists prefer when you're supine, and get awfully upset when you fail to assume the position). Here's a taste of H's distasteful words:
...The Liberals and New Democrats showed greater vigour in joining the Tories at the Ontario Legislature in condemning the young Canadians running Israeli Apartheid Week.
Started in 2005 in Toronto, IAW has gained momentum every year, especially after the Israeli invasion of Gaza. The organizers and participants come from a range of ethnic and religious backgrounds, and include many Jewish Canadians. This year's speakers included an Arab Israeli member of the Israeli Knesset, Canadian aboriginal activists and others. Except for an incident or two at York University last year, for which the culprits were disciplined, their meetings have been well-organized and civil.

This has not stopped its critics from calling IAW a "hate-fest," a "festival of bigotry," a "rallying card for haters of the Jewish state," an attempt at "delegitimizing Israel."

It's a week when "extremist" speakers "spew hatred" and "whip up" crowds into frenzy, and during which Jewish students on campuses are, or feel, "ostracized," "intimidated," "threatened" and "attacked."

The term "apartheid" is "poisonous," "odious." We should get rid of it, said Tory MPP Peter Shurman. NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo agreed.

If the IAW were to change its name, would the organizers not be bullied any more?...
Hate to break it to you, Harpoon, but your crew ARE the bullies. And what happens when you stand up to a bully? He starts to blubber about how you're hurting him. Typical.
Here's my letter:
Let me assure Haroon Siddiqui that people standing up and fighting back against an obvious lie--i.e. that Israel practises “apartheid--is not a matter of “posturing”. It is what people do in the face of an obvious injustice. And few things are as unjust as an annual fortnight of Israel-bashing on university campuses, places that are supposed to be repositories of wisdom and learning and instead have become ground zero in the P.R. war against the Jewish state.
If Siddiqui--and Judy Rebick, another Israel Apartheid Week proponent whom he quotes--were as concerned about “free speech” as they say they are, they would welcome the debate. The fact that they’d prefer the opposition to simply shut up and go away shows that the only “free speech” that really concerns them is their own.

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