Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Salsa Censorship

While on the way home from an appointment I chanced to pass a restaurant called Copacabana. And, well, they say you never know where and when inspiration will strike:

Her name was Jenny,
She was a censor.
With a large staff that she commands
And lavish trips to foreign lands.
She liked to tap dance
And make pronouncements.
And when she said she was a star
They went and made her Commissar.
She longed for Shangri-la
Right here in Cana-da.
She was firm and she earnest
So why the brouhaha?
It's the kanga
Kangaroo racket.
Where only th'officious can hack it.
At the kanga, kangaroo racket.
Trudeau and Stalin,
It's all so appallin'
At the racket.
Don't you dare "hate".

Her name was Heather
Light as a feather.
She loathed "Islamophobia"
Re which she made a foofarah.
She liked perfection
And speech inspection
Lest those bad haters went to town
Before she got to smack 'em down.
She had a burning dream
To build up "self esteem."
Sticks and stones sometimes break your bones
But words are worse it seems
At the kanga, kangaroo rocket.
Where only th'officious can hack it.
At the kanga, kangaroo racket.
Better not break down before the whole shakedown
At the racket...

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