Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sikh and Ye Shall Find

Multiculturalism: sure, it's all pretty colours and exotic outfits until the glorification of terrorists national heroes casts a pall over the proceedings. From the Ceeb:
Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts says the city will review the status of the annual Sikh Vaisakhi parade after a controversial float was included in the event Saturday.

More than 100,000 people attended the religious parade and festival in the Vancouver suburb, but Watts said she was disappointed the parade included a float honouring Sikh separatist extremists as martyrs.

The float featured the flag of Khalistan, the independent Sikh state that separatists want to carve out of India's Punjab state.

There were also posters of men who founded what are considered terrorist groups and who played a role in assassinating Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi, along with the slogan "They gave their today for our tomorrow."...
Very catchy. Almost ranks right up there with "jihad is the way, sharia is the goal," don't you think?


  1. Surrey (maybe even Watts) have threatened to pull the permit on this terrorfest in the past. They do not have the political balls to do it. They don't want the vote Sikhed against them. I predict more of the same.

  2. .. because what the world really needs is another country ending in "stan".

  3. Another 'stan'?
    The idea makes one howl.
    Can't think of a plan that's more foul.
    There's Kazakh and Uzbeki
    And--what's that one?
    Wait a sec'y--
    Oh yeah, Kyrghyz.
    Please buy it a vowel.

  4. It's two, two, two 'stans' in one:
