Monday, May 10, 2010

Come One, Come None

Found this invite on the Palestine House site:
cordially invites you to a book signing event.

ANTOUN SAADE BY Zionist Writers
Materials researched and translated from Hebrew by:Mr.Samir Jabbour

1-Introduction (Fares Badr)at 5:00 PM(5 minutes)
2-speech by Mr.Samir Jabbour(20 minutes)
3- book signing
Date: Sunday afternoon,May 16 from 4:00-6:00
Location: Palestine house at 3195 Erindale Station
Phone:905 270 3622
NB:(Refreshments will be provided)
Attached(in Arabic) is an invitation to a "Book Signing Event"
Who or what is an "Antoun Saade"? Apparently, he's a famous Syrian statesman. Of rather a fascist bent. Thought that Syrians, the lucky ducks, belonged to a "superior race." And why, pray tell, would "Palestinians" want to promote a book about such a character? Might it be because they, like the Syrians, consider "Palestine" to be part of a "greater Syria"?

Hard to say, really--as is the reason why his bio has been written by "Zionist Writers." What's abundantly clear, however, it that it is most inappropriate for us, the Canadian taxpayer, to be forced to foot the bill for this loathsome operation. You might want to drop your local M.P. a line mentioning your disgust over how your pocket is being picked to promote fascism and Zionhass.

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