Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Loose Lips Sink (Censor)ships

I had occasion recently to speak to someone who has first-hand knowledge that not only has the prime minister no intention of rolling back state censorship (the infamous Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act), he has zero interest in the subject. So if you're waiting for someone--parliament, or the prime minister, or chief "human rights" Commissar Jennifer Lynch or Bernie Farber or your mom--to give the "all-clear" before you dare open you mouth and say something  "offensive," you're going to be waiting with a shut gob for an awfully long time. Like maybe until those proverbial cows come home. Or until you die. Whichever comes first. For that reason, says Kathy Shaidle, a delightfully "un-nice" Section-13-mocker/balker/loather, there's only one thing to do: violate that draconian, undemocratic, sharia-compatible provision as often as you can--starting right now.

Ready, aye, ready, K.S.


  1. You heard right Harper is just another politician. The good news is Section 13 has basically been neutered.

  2. Right. It remains on the books, but thanks in no small part to Steyn and Levant, it has become a laughingstock, and thus the equivalent of kryptonite (meaning that not even a "SuperNaziHunter" can go near it anymore).

  3. As far as I know, there is one S13 case still ongoing and a couple in the pipe. So, no, it hasn't been neutered.
