Friday, May 14, 2010

McCarthy (or is it Robespierre?) Redux

Andrew Klavan describes the leftist M.O., one which hasn't been seen since the dark days of a sweaty Wisconsin senator:
Leftists will blacklist you—and then if you complain, they’ll attack you for whining. They will call you a racist and compare your leaders to Hitler—and then if you return the insult, they’ll scream about the decline of civility. They will do everything in their power to cut you off from media and artistic outlets—and then when you create outlets of your own, they will savage them for their bias. Like the mobster in a Raymond Chandler novel, they will beat your teeth out, then kick you in the stomach for mumbling.
As a result of leftists’ success in marginalizing dissenting opinions, nothing now creates a greater commotion in modern American discourse than speaking the obvious truth...
Well, there's a good reason for that. Having a lock on virtue, they have a lock on truth. And any dissenter is ipso facto a wicked prevaricator.

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