Monday, May 17, 2010

Phobias Up the Ying Yang

I learned a new word today--"transphobia." Here, let's let the Ceej put it in a sentence:
The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia provides us with an opportunity, indeed an obligation, to speak out against a form of discrimination that is widespread, and too often violent in its practice. No one should be discriminated against because of who they love, or for who they are.
Canadian Jewish Congress stands with our friends in the LGBT community in the fight against homophobia and transphobia.
I'm prepared to go out on a limb and assume that "transphobia" is not the genuine and palpable fear of riding Toronto's iffy transit system. In fact, I'm almost 100 per cent sure it refers to an unwarranted fear of the transgendered, whether of the pre-or-post operative variety. Now, while I, for one, make no bones about not harbouring any overt or latent prejudice about the group, I'm not entirely certain I can say the same for, say, the owner of a St. Catharines Ladies Gym. He became the target of a "human rights" shakedown when a fully-loaded "Trans Am" demanded "her" right to comandeer the women's locker room and let it all hang out, no matter that the rest of the clientele might have been uncomfortable having a male member (in more ways than one) in their change room. I wonder: has the Ceej any sympathy at all for the gym owner's plight?


Blazingcatfur said...

So the Ceej is standing shoulder to shoulder with the Trannies but wants to hate my Shiksa Granny?

scaramouche said...

Not if your shiksa granny's a tranny. (Hmm. Sounds like the makings of a Country and Western ballad, don't you think?)

scaramouche said...

Here goes:

My shiksa granny,
The tranny's uncanny,
But I've a hankerin' for grandpa...

Or something like that.

scaramouche said...

Need I point out it's a gay Country and Western ballad?

scaramouche said...

A C&W ballad about a non-gay, non-tranny grandpa:

Blazingcatfur said...

My Grannie the Trannie

Hails from Looziannie

She had her some parts

declared miscelannie

and botoxed her fannie..

scaramouche said...

Love it. And let's not forget: Trannysylvania 6 50000.

scaramouche said...

Back in Alabammy
Where my Granny is a tranny
And the LGBTs
Wicky wacky woo...

scaramouche said...

Open your Golden Gate
You'll see no "hater" wait
Down at your door...

Okay. I'll try to stop now (even though it's so hard to do once you're gotten started).

Blazingcatfur said...

I feel very disturbed now.