Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"A victim group is designated by law….in terms of what you are, the colour of your skin, what you cannot change for the most part.."

Bernie Farber "clarifies" for radio host Rob Breakenridge who can--and who cannot--qualify for offical victim group status.

Nice theory, but can't you "change" your religion? And a la, say, Michael Jackson, can't you also change your skin colour?

Update: Kate the great notices an eerie similarity between the words of a Bernie and A. Bunker.

Update: Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end:

Boy, the way Dick Warman fights.
Hate complaints ‘bout “human rights.”
Jews like us slept thru’ the nights.
Those were the days.
And you knew who you was then--
A bona fide Canuck “victim”.
Mister, we could use a man like Pierre Trudeau again.
Nazis got a good what-for.
Zundel he was shown the door.
Wish we could go back encore,
Those were the days….


Yariv said...

Didn't many Jews try to convert to Christianity but still ended up in Death Camps?

While this may be true technically, enemies of the Jewish people considered Jews to be so by blood. Ask any Jew-hater

Paul said...

I think I figured out what the heck Bernie actually does with his day at the office.

He makes stuff up to STAY ON TOP of the HATE CHARTS.

In other words, it's his job to make sure that JEWS ARE THE MOST HATED PEOPLE IN CANADA.
(personally, it's BIZZARO WORLD, but hey he does represent ALL Canadian Jews )

... now you or me would know that it's a FACT that 90% of statistics are made up. So I can only imagine that it is very busy work indeed!

oh, and I'm surprised to hear how inarticulate he is. (a basic skill I would think for a community (cough) "leader".)

Blazingcatfur said...

File a hate crime complaint against Bernie!

scaramouche said...

Thanks for the history lesson, Yariv. These days, you must admit, "blood" per se seems less important, since Islamolefty Zionhass, which is based on ideological "purity," has superseded Nazi Judenhass, based on "purity" of the blood.

But being the smart guy you are, I'm sure you already knew that.