Thursday, May 13, 2010

When Irish Eyes are Spewing (It's Okey-Dokey Artichokey)

I'm confused. Nutty (and now dead) native leader David Ahenakew makes an off-the-cuff remark about Hitler having the right idea about "frying" Jews, and official Jewry has a major freak out, resulting in years of litigation for Dave because of his "hate crime." However, an Irish comedian who's slated to appear in Toronto next month says this at a music festival in Ireland
But these Jews, these f---ing Jew c---s come up to me. F---ing Christ-killing bastards. F---ing six million? I would have got 10 or 12 million out of that. No f---ing problem! F--- them. Two at a time, they would have gone. Hold hands, get in there. Leave us your teeth and your glasses.
and Bernie Farber has no problemo with the dude coming to town because he has promised to drop by the Ceej for a "chat". Bernie claims that that shows "great professionalism" on the comic's part. And, hey, just because a fellow launches into a tirade about the "f---ing Christ-killers" and the "f---ing six million," that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a second chance, right?:
Farber said he’d heard Tiernan’s comedy, “and he’s an edgy guy, a very talented guy. But on that occasion, he lost it. My feeling was he should try and get an understanding of what it was he said and why it was so unacceptable. We‘ve offered a chat, I would introduce him to some survivors, we’d take him through the Holocaust Education Centre, just so he would get a sense that even in comedy, not everything is okay. And it’s something he did seem to want to get a handle on.”
Edgy? Talented? About as "edgy" as David Ahenakew. About as "talented" as Guy Earle. Alas for them they had the misfortune to be Canadian, not Irish. And just to be clear, when I said up front I was "confused," that was actually me being "astoundingly disingenuous." I know that, long as it is, the long arm of Canada's "hate speech" measures doesn't extend as far as Ireland, and had Tiernan been Canadian and spoken these words--even once--on our soil, his career would now be in tatters.

Update: When the Assembly of First Nations voted to reinstate Ahenakew, Farber had this to say:
Bernie Farber, CEO of the Canadian Jewish Congress, says Ahenakew’s reinstatement is not a matter of forgiving and forgetting past wrongs.
“What can they be thinking? Here is a man who has engaged in some of the most vile, disreputable behaviour, bigotry and anti-Semitism,” Farber said. “What does it say when a group like the federation decides that they can make nicey-nice with him again and make him again a leader within that organization?
“I can only imagine that they’re the ones, in the long run, who will have to look themselves in the mirror, not the vast majority of First Nations Canadians who look at this with, I think, revulsion.”
And yet the Irish guy who's said the same if not worse gets hugs 'n' kisses and props and forgiveness. Go figure.


  1. More proof Farber is an idiot. No wonder the cartoon character who most epitomizes Bernie is Homer Simpson.
    I used to watch Tiernan and laugh, but I'll choose not to watch now.
    Any encouragement of genocide while he's on Canadian soil should be met and tested with the criminal code.

  2. And will be met and tested--should the, er, "little chat" have no effect. After all, it's not like Tiernan's a Muslim with a machete (and thus not subject to the "hate speech" section of our criminal code).

  3. BTW . ...
    'Nutty (and now dead)'
    That's hilarious, and so accurate!

  4. All they do is make martyrs of nuts sprinkled with kook. No one would care ( Not that I think they do) if they ever heard of these freaks.
    Bernie Farber feted their foes, while skewing their allies.
    Now comes judgment.

  5. Ive seen Tiernan live and met him as well. Never liked him, and most people in my native Ireland thought that rant was a disgrace.
