To Connect to the larger Palestinian and Arab Community in the GTA and Canada;
To help raise awareness about Palestinian culture, raise the Palestinian voice, and defend the rights of Palestinians in Canada and abroad in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement.
To access Palestine House services and space (special functions, weddings, etc..);But, really, the best thing about joining Palestine House is that you get to gather with your landsmen and hoist your true colours--including outlawed Hezbo flags--and rant 'n' rave 'n' hoot 'n' holler about the wicked, perncious Joooish State. (h/t LGF)
To broaden your social and professional network for social and economic partnership and support;
To help prepare a new generation of Palestinians and Arabs to face the challenges of their future;
To be part of Palestine House’s many activities
In the words of the Mastercard ad, that's "priceless".
Thanks for the hat-tip, Scaramouche!