Friday, June 4, 2010

No, No, Mike. A Pox on YOU!

Stupefyingly ignorant pundit Michael Den Tandt tendentiously comments that there's no diff at all between Israel, a teensy Jewish land in the crosshairs of many millions of eliminationists bent on its destruction, and the Palestinians, the steed which the eliminationists hope to ride to Israel's acocalypse (assuming the mullahs and their nukes don't get there first):
A pox on both their houses. Let it keep them and their bloody wrangling over land and faith, to which they appear devoted beyond all else, far from here.
In the aftermath of Israel’s disastrous raid Monday on the Gaza-bound Turkish civilian vessel Mavi Marmara, barrels of ink have been spilled worldwide by people earnestly trying to make sense of it, or apportion blame.
There is no making sense of it. Nor should we try, particularly, to apportion blame. Neither side in this festering dispute has earned that much consideration. Indeed they deserve nothing but our exasperation and a measure of our contempt.

Every U.S. president since Jimmy Carter has devoted considerable resources to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Russians, the French, the British have been deeply involved. The UN has been deeply involved and continues to be.

Nothing works, it seems — ever...
Well, wiping Israel off the map would sure, um, "work". But we stubborn, stiff-necked, defiant Jews would rather prefer not to kowtow to the Arab/Muslim/EU/Lefty final solution.

We're funny that way.

As for Mike's inabiltity to get a handle on this "non-sensical" subject: if he isn't prepared to put in the study time--I'd recommend From Time Immemorial and the Koran for starters--then what the heck is he doing wasting precious print inches by opining on a subject about which he knows nothing? Such antics embarrass both him and any news outlet foolish enough to run his gas-baggery.

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