Tuesday, June 1, 2010

That Damnable "D" Word Again

Israeli soldiers board a ship full of jihadis and their useful idiots, are overwhelmed by the "peaceniks," and are forced to fight back and defend themselves. During the course of which, several flotilla passangers are killed. The result: Hysteria! Shock! Anguish! Horror! Or horreur, as they say in France, the country whose leader has decried Israel for--guess what--its "disproportionate" response.

Ah, yes, the "d" word again, the one they haul out whenever Israel feels compelled to take action and defend itself; the word that is used specifically and unreservedly for Israel alone. So when unmaned American drones bomb the bejeezus out of civilians--that's not disproportionate. Ditto for the jihadis who cold-bloodedly murder scores of their fellow Muslims who are saying their prayers at two Lahore mosques. And while a Hamas bigwig getting iced in Dubai touches off a veritable frenzy, a Taliban mucky-muck getting his (and his family--collarteral damage--meeting their maker at the same time) elicits crickets.

There is an appropriate use for the "d" word, of course. The hysterical reaction/collective freak-out/overwrought hand-wringing of those in Europe and the Muslim world who are predisposed to loathe Israel not for what it does but for what it is (i.e. Jewish) and what it isn't (i.e. Muslim): now that's disproportionate!

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