Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pecking Order

They said it couldn't be done. Three--count 'em--three seemingly unrelated concurent events (Pride 2010, Jihadstock and the centenerary of Frank Loesser's birth) brought together in a single song parody. (The "I" in the song is a by-the-book Islamist; the "you" is the type of usefully idiotic queer who proudly marches against the only queer-friendly land in the Middle East):

I hate you
A bushel and a peck
A bushel and a peck
And a rope around yer neck
A rope around yer neck
Or a really sharp sword
A really sharp sword and you'll get your just "reward"
'Cause you're queer
Better fear
'Cause I hate you
A bushel and a peck
Sharia's what directs me to
A doodle-oodle-ooh-doo

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