Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Pox on Lefty 'Tolerance'

Marty Peretz writes that "tolerance" of current totalitarianism is intolerable--and deadly:
...He [Paul Berman] is convinced that Islamism, which is not a tiny heretical offshoot of the prophet or a minor grouplet sprinkled here and there among the faithful, is now mainstream and mainstream intimidating of the faithful. That is, they believe.

It is also mainstream intimidating of the liberals, yes, you and me. Well, certainly not me. OK, and not you, too. But there is an epidemic of tolerance--on the liberal campus, at liberal dinner tables, in liberal families, among the liberal "new world" entrepreneurs--for people who hate and often kill liberals (especially liberal Muslims). This tolerance extends to Jew-haters and Jew-killers. In the West, in fact, indulgence of the hatred of Jews among liberals and liberal Jews or Jewish liberals is so rampant that it has taken on a new disguise: the hatred of Zionism and disgust with the State of Israel, perhaps one of the three or four most liberal states in the world.
Ironic, no?, that liberals, who view themselves as being inherently virtuous (which makes their opponents, they believe, inherently evil), have succumbed to the same Jew flu that afflicted evil Herr Hitler.


  1. "Jew flu"

    Now that's a keeper. Today's liberalism is not your mama's.

  2. Definitely not MY mama's (since she's always been true blue Tory).
