Saturday, July 10, 2010

You Can Fool Some of the Jews All of the Time

In his book The Grand Jihad (my read du jour), Andrew McCarthy writes that CAIR and CAIR-CAN are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization bent on installing sharia, Allah's one and only law, worldwide. Which is why when I read the following, in the National Post (an article tweeted by an Official Jew), I had to chortle, titter and madly guffaw:
“We are pleased that charges have been brought against Mr. Hossain as it sends a clear message that speech of this nature will not go unchecked,” Ihsaan Gardee, CAIR-CAN Executive Director, said in a statement released today. “CAIR-CAN joins Canadians from all walks of faith in condemning Mr. Hossain’s disgusting comments for what they are: the hateful and hurtful rants of a person completely ignorant of basic Islamic principles of justice and compassion.”
Though obviously fully versed in basic Islamic principles of Judenhass (i.e. Jooos are pigs 'n' monkeys 'n' Satan's minions/spawn etc.).

Anyone who's dumb enough to fall for CAIR-CAN's line just hasn't done his/her homework.

1 comment:

  1. ... no doubt about it, Bernie is dumb enough and needs to do a lot more homework; - which begs the question; "just what the heck is he doing there in the first place?"
