“We are pleased that charges have been brought against Mr. Hossain as it sends a clear message that speech of this nature will not go unchecked,” Ihsaan Gardee, CAIR-CAN Executive Director, said in a statement released today. “CAIR-CAN joins Canadians from all walks of faith in condemning Mr. Hossain’s disgusting comments for what they are: the hateful and hurtful rants of a person completely ignorant of basic Islamic principles of justice and compassion.”Though obviously fully versed in basic Islamic principles of Judenhass (i.e. Jooos are pigs 'n' monkeys 'n' Satan's minions/spawn etc.).
Anyone who's dumb enough to fall for CAIR-CAN's line just hasn't done his/her homework.
... no doubt about it, Bernie is dumb enough and needs to do a lot more homework; - which begs the question; "just what the heck is he doing there in the first place?"