Saturday, August 7, 2010

Blooming Idiot

I know Michael Bloomberg is a bizillionaire, so he must have a few functioning brain cells rattling around in his skull. He's a pinhead, though, when it comes to mosque matters. From the New York Post:

Mayor Bloomberg won’t stop talking about the mosque near Ground Zero, harshly attacking opponents yesterday who “ought to be ashamed of themselves.”
Sounding more supportive of freedom of religion than freedom of speech, Bloomberg said, "I just don't think the government should tell people where they can pray and where they can build houses of worship.

"It is a shame that we even have to talk about this," the mayor added on his WOR radio broadcast.

The mayor ratcheted up his rhetoric against critics just days after defending the mosque in an impassioned speech on Governors Island, with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop.

Yesterday, Bloomberg said cops and firefighters who died on 9/11 didn't ask people in the World Trade Center, "Where do you pray?" as they tried to save their lives.

"Most of the [9/11 rescuers'] families that I've talked to, they say, 'Of course our loved ones gave their lives to protect the very freedoms that we're talking about here -- people being able to practice religion and say what they want to say and be in control of their own destiny,' " the mayor said.

Bloomberg also blasted demands for a probe of the mosque builders' finances.

"Every time they pass the basket in your church and you throw a buck in, [do you want someone to] run over and say, 'OK, now where do you come from, who are your parents, where'd you get this money?' . . . A handful of people ought to be ashamed of themselves."
Yes, Bloomy, but when they pass the basket in church, they do so knowing that no one dropping shekels in the receptacle is working toward the eventuality of global sharia, a law which considers you, a Jew, to be the lowest of the low, the vilest of the vile. That the mayor of the city that suffered the worst jihadi attack in modern times could even make such an imbecilic statement, could be so doggedly stupid, is simply mind-blowing. (Can you imagine if he and not Rudy had been mayor on that fateful day? The thought is so shudderific one hesitates to even go there.)

Meanwhile, the same Post article reports that dapper, "moderate" Muslim and CNN host Fareed Zakaria

returned a $10,000 First Amendment award to the Anti-Defamation League to protest its opposition to the mosque.
Wow. It would appear that the man who once advised kafirs to learn to "live with radical Islam" is a man of, er, principle.

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