Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Elmo Still Whining About the 'Double Standard'

In light of the fact that "free speech" is what allows Mohamed Elmasry and his fellow Israel-loathers to spew Zionhass to their heart's content in e-zine the Canadian Charger (the horsey, we are assured, is not emblematic of charging jihadis--see, I can use "free speech," too), and considering that Elmo effectively hid behind three telegenic young'uns (the sock trio) when he lodged his "human rights" complaint about Mark Steyn and Maclean's magazine, this passage from Joseph Bream's article in the National Post is particularly risible:

Mr. Elmasry said he was especially proud of the Canadian Charger's success in reaching young people. He also reflected on his three failed hate speech complaints against Maclean's magazine, which led to an acrimonious public debate over hate speech, and eventually to the Charger itself.
"I feel sad that there was a double standard," Prof. Elmasry said. "When the [hate speech] law was used to fight anti-Semitism, it was OK, and everybody was cheering it. Nobody complained then. But when a Muslim group used the same law [Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act] to protect the innocent in the community from hate speech, everybody thought about freedom of speech."
Yeah, what's with "everybody". Why can't we all learn to button it, already. You know--like they do in, say, Saudi Arabia? (Oops. There I go again with more of that "hate speech" that Elmo so abhors.) Elmo kind of has a point, though, about the "double standard". Non-Jew Richard Warman got to complain--over and over again--about Jew-hate on behalf of the Jews. That straight guy got to complain about an anti-gay letter to the editor on behalf of gays. It just isn't "fair" that Elmo wasn't able to persuade the various "human rights" bodies to which he complained to compel the impudent Steyn and his "Islamophobic" magazine to bow to his will--even though he played by the rules and even used the sock trio as his Warman (i.e. to serve as his arm's-length public proxies, even though he was the one who made the actual complaint). It must suck to be you, Elmo. Then again, all the agita ultimately paved the way for your rampaging horsey wherein you and your like-minded amigos have a forum in which to express your zesty Zionhass, so everything turned out okay in the end. (As I often say, good things can come out of bad things--and vice versa.)


  1. He just wants to have a Dodge dealership, and get some of that happy auto bailout money.


  2. That Elmo! What an Ultra-maroon! He probably dreams of a sharia compliant CHRC someday.

  3. So Ayatollah Elmo is proud that he's reaching so many Canadians with The Rotting Horseflesh. Guess what, Scaramouche? You're reaching at least twice as many. His Alexa numbers are Alexa Traffic Rank: 2,606,168 Traffic Rank in CA: 90,131 and your are Alexa Traffic Rank: 1,273,389 Traffic Rank in CA: 45,927.

    So you get to be twice as proud!

    looks like Elmo is living in a narcissistic delusion

  4. Wow--thanks for the stats, Voltaire's Ghost. "Twice as popular as Elmo"--also, much better lookin'.
