Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Honest Error

According to a new poll, nearly 1 in 5 Americans believes Barack Obama is Muslim. It's an honest mistake. After all, he is hardly quiet about his enthusiam for the faith and all the wonders it has brought the world. And he has made it NASA's offical mission to act as the Muslim world's Oprah Winfrey and make it "feel good" about itself. And then there's that Ramadan soiree at the White House, the one where he waxed rhapsodic about the "religious freedom" evident in the construction of a many-storied mosque, er sorry, Islamic center (same diff, but from a PR standpoint the latter sounds ever so much more infidel-friendly) you-know-where, and shmoozed with a variety of Muslim Bro types. Frank Gaffney (who probably wasn't aware of the new poll when he wrote this) queries/comments re Obama's ongoing shmoozerma (H/T MK):
Why is the U.S. government promoting the Brotherhood's effort to penetrate our capital markets via "shariah-compliant finance," including its direct ownership of a huge player in that field, AIG? Which other shariah-adherent Muslims are getting their expenses paid by the State Department as they network around the globe on behalf of their seditious agenda? How much is this outrageous program costing, and what does Foggy Bottom have to show for it? Why did Team Obama cosponsor a UN resolution last Fall imposing "shariah blasphemy" laws that utterly conflict with the First Amendment's protection of free speech?
As he hosted the Ramadan fast-breaking dinner at the White House on Friday, President Obama showed his true colors on shariah. Trying to dress up the Ground Zero mosque or any other aspect of this brutally repressive, totalitarian and inherently unconstitutional program as a matter of "religious freedom" does not pass the giggle test. Shariah is about power, not faith, and no amount of Obama subsidies, solidarity or spin on behalf of that agenda will persuade the American people to allow the so-called "tradition of Islam" to supplant our civil liberties, form of government and way of life.
No, no, no. Sharia is l-o-v-e, baby. And as long as these Muslim Brotherhood types make love, not war (or terrorism)--or, at least, leave such tactics to others--lots of silly infidels, grateful for the MB's non-evisceration policy, will be delighted to embrace them and dub them "moderate". And lots of other infidels, silly or not, will get confused about who and what Barack Obama really is.

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