Monday, August 9, 2010

Irony Alert

The Ceej, which has fully bought into the multiculti bollocks, today thanks the feds for granting funds to the "vulnerable" Jewish community. The funds will help defray the cost of protecting Jewish schools, synagogues and other identifiably Jewish community property. What the Ceej neglects to mention, of course, is that the multishmulti cult (that and the global jihad) is in large part responsible for Jewry requiring such protection.

1 comment:

  1. “It’s sad to say but the risk to our community and to others is unlikely to disappear anytime soon"

    You can say that again, with the likes of Bernie & Frank making sure that the problem keeps going on, or even better, gets worse.

    But hey, when you get rewarded for incompetence and failure, (the problem is getting worse as this in receiving this SIP funding clearly shows), it's most definitely in their self-interest to continue to be incompetent in order to keep their no-term (cough) "lifetime" jobs.
