...Most of all, Americans are tired of the shroud of political correctness the ruling class has placed around Islam. We don’t object to anyone’s freedom of conscience, and we abide countless places for Muslims to gather and worship even though we know a very high percentage of the Islamic centers and mosques are heavily influenced by Islamists. But we’re tired of being told things that aren’t true: e.g., that Islam is peaceful, tolerant and non-threatening; that sharia — which is relentlessly authoritarian, discriminatory, and, in parts, savage — is something we need to accommodate; and that there is no connection between Islamic doctrine (which is supremacist and belligerent), Islamist terror, and the broader Islamist threat to our civilization. We’re tired of being told that people who can’t bring themselves to condemn Hamas are “moderates” deserving of being taken seriously and having their endless grievances against America addressed. And we’re tired of being told that we shouldn’t examine or object to an authoritarian ideology just because it travels under the label of “religion.”Update: Alan Dershowitz doesn't get it; Victor Davis Hanson does.
This is why I think the Ground Zero controversy is so significant. It sorts out those who get it from those who don’t, and forces us to ask: Why are we letting those who don’t get it run the show.
Monday, August 9, 2010
McCarthy's Crucial Question
Andy McCarthy gets to the heart of why the proposed GZM is such a big frikking deal:
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