Thursday, August 5, 2010

Miller on the Mosqueteers

Dennis Miller responds to TLF's inanities--on his radio show (it's a free clip), and via this rant in his newletter (H/T KS; BCF):
I say we build one long skinny mosque the entire length of our border with Mexico and then nobody can complain about anything to anybody...This mosque at Ground Zero is a huge slap in the face but one that we will eventually have to swallow. That tells you everything you need to know about us as a people. The fact that Muslims don't see what bad taste this gesture is in and self edit themselves tells you everything you need to know about them as a people. I hope they're as accommodating when the West petitions to open a Tony Roma's at The Haj next year. And finally, if they do set up shop on sacred ground and expect us to digest it with a smile, I hope the entire diverse, wonderful NY Freak Show turns up on their front doorstep in all its glorious technicolor insanity. The Naked Cowboy, the incessant car alarms during prayer time, the guys on the street trying to palm off free drink tickets to the topless bar next door, the Sabrett's cart with the big, honkin' pork frankfurters. Welcome to the show guys and we're sure you'll be as open minded as we are being. Because, you know, rolling with it is your M.O. Right?
Everybody sing the Mosqueteer song:

Come along and sing a song
And learn your dhimmi roll.
That's the jihad's goal.
Through the years the infidel
Has swallowed Islam whole.
That's the jihad's goal.

Musn't grouse.
(It's f***ed up.)
Musn't grouse.
(It's f***ed up.)
Forever they will try to make it fly,
Fly, fly, fly.

Come along and sing a song
Of how "peace" salves the soul.
S-H-A (A-men to that!).
R-I-A (Why? Because they hate you).
That's the jihad's goal.


  1. I can't wait for your version of West Side Story's "Maria"

  2. Been there, done that:
