Sunday, August 8, 2010

Provocative Cover Manipulates, Distorts Reality of Islamic Violence Against Women

Question: Do you think if we stay in Afghanistan, the Taliban will be prevented from mulitating Afghan women? That seems to be the implication of this extremely distrurbing Time Magazine cover, which shows a beautiful Afghan woman whose nose has been sliced off by the jihadis. The cover harkens back to another magazine cover--that famous National Geographic one showing the beautiful Afghan girl with the haunting, translucent green eyes.

So I ask again: if we stay in Afghanistan, what are the chances we'll be able to curtain the barbaric mutilation/murder of local chicks? I'd say we might be able to slow it down for a while--while we're there, that is--but the minute we left, the nose-slicing would resume full throttle. Unless, of course we were prepared to smash/crush/annihilate the Taliban which, with General Petraeus's "suck up to the locals so they'll like us" strategy (a.k.a. COIN) in effect, is clearly not in the cards. Also, Afghanistan is a sharia state, which means gender inequity--and the abuse that it breeds--will continue as a fact of life long after the infidels depart. Also, such barbarity is hardly confined to Afghanistan, but can be found as well in, say, Pakistan, where men have been know to throw acid in women's faces and even Canada, where young Muslim girls have been murdered ("honour" killed) for disobeying their male kinfolk's orders.

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