Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spot the Loony

Obama's press flak, Robert Gibbs, is staggered by the amount of sheer "craziness" out there, reports the WaPo's Michael D. Shear:
At a dinner last year around the president's 100-day mark, a senior White House official compared the Obama administration's early legislative efforts to a busy airport: A lot of "planes" had taken off, but most had not yet been brought in for a landing.
He was making the point that once Obama achieved his ambitions -- passage of a health care bill, financial reform, education reform, economic stabilization -- the carping from both the right and the left would fade.
It hasn't.
The president has succeeded in passing the bulk of his agenda over the strenuous objections of a resurgent Republican minority. But his critics, particularly those on the left, are still grumbling and unsatisfied. They say the president is not moving fast enough.
Some have even compared him to former president George W. Bush.
That last was enough to send press secretary Robert Gibbs over the edge Tuesday. In a rant that he later described as "inartful," Gibbs unloaded on what he called the "professional left" and said they were out of touch with reality...
"I hear these people saying he's like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug-tested," Gibbs told The Hill's Sam Youngman in an interview. "I mean, it's crazy."...
Maybe so. But assuming that once Obama had "achieved his ambitions" (is that even proper English; can an "ambition" be "achieved"?) everyone would shut the heck up--now that's crazy.

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