Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's Always Groundhog Day in Washington

Roger L. Simon says the Middle East "peace" talks are "deja vu over and over again." Well, yes. I think I've seen that movie. It’s the one where Bill Murray is trapped in a nightmarish situation which finds him waking up every morning to Sonny and Cher singing “I Got You Babe” on the radio and spending the entire day repeating the previous day’s events, endlessly, ad nauseum. Only in the real life version, Israel plays Murray, there’s no weather-predicting critter, the song on the radio is "Blame the Jew, Babe" and there’s always some hubristic American president, brimming with confidence, who wants to be written into the history books as the guy who finally “solved” the intractable Israel-Palestinian “problem”.

It can’t be done. Not while there’s a jihad on, and certainly not by the president who bowed deeply to the Saudi king, who had dedicated himself to ingratiating himself to the Muslim world, and who has stood by as the Ayatollah inches ever closer to the nuclear capability that will allow him to follow through on his vow to wipe Israel off the map.

As for Obama’s promise to deliver a peace deal “within a year”--we’ve seen that film before too, alas. It’s the one where the little man in the funny suit holds aloft a worthless piece of paper and proclaims “peace in our time.”

Guess I don't have to tell you how unhappily that one ends.

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