Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Warning About Sharia

There's a new report out about the threat sharia--that's right, sharia--poses to the U.S., and Congressman Pete Hoekstra, a Republican from Michigan, urges everyone to read it. From the Corner:
“I encourage my colleagues in Congress and citizens interested in learning more about Shariah to read this important report,” Hoekstra said. “Shariah runs counter to our longstanding American principles of freedom and liberty. The recent spate of terrorist attacks in our homeland, the increased persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Central Asia, and the growing number of threats against individuals and property in response to perceived slights stem from a radical interpretation of Shariah and should be a cause for concern for all Americans.
My one quibble is with the word "radical". I think I might have used the word "strict" instead.

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