Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who Is Barack Obama?

As we know, he is not a Muslim. He is, however, an Arabist (writes Mitchell Bard in the New York Post):
...This is part of the mentality of Palestinian negotiators — that they should get something from Israel for nothing — and it is a notion that has been fostered over the years by the Arab lobby.

President Obama’s policy appears driven by this Arabist mind set. Historically, Arabists in the US bureaucracy have considered Israel the source of all our problems in the Middle East. They believe America’s primary interest is to ensure the supply of oil and that US support for Israel upsets the Saudis and therefore threatens that supply. Regional instability, in their minds, is principally about the refusal of Israel to capitulate to Arab demands. Meanwhile, the Saudis are more preoccupied with America keeping the House of Saud in power than the fate of the Palestinians.
These views are not new; what is different is that the Arabists finally have a president who either shares or has been convinced of their perspective, even though it has been proven wrong for the last six decades... 
Here's how a non-Arabist thinks:
[Were a two state "solution" to come into effect the] world would see that a Palestinian State would neither tame the Islamic radicals and jihadists whose goal is to establish a fundamentalist theocracy, nor would it diminish the nuclear and revolutionary ambitions of the Iranian regime, the real two main drivers of the future of the region and the world.

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