Friday, October 8, 2010

And Speaking of Clueless...

The Campbell soup controversy has shown up on Toronto Life's GPS. Predictably, the TLer who writes about it does not get that it's not about the soup. It's not about halal. It's about an iconic American product getting halal certification from ISNA, a Islamist outfit that wants us North Americans to get rid of our man-made laws and opt for sharia, and that was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holyland terrorism case.

Sheesh. It's not all that complicated, really.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we know where them thar Campbellites came from BUT here's how those Jewish folk REALLY got started, AMEN (hotep IV, that is).

    What's wrong, lill' buddy?
    Don't you dig TOO MUCH democracy, much as The Rulers?
