Monday, October 4, 2010

Thanks For Coming and Try the Zionhass

Who sez there are no jokes in Islam? Certainly not Mohamed "Elmo" Elmasry, sweet Wahida's successor at the Canadian Islamic Congress, who pens this piece of japery:
...(W)hy aren't the Palestinians happy living together like one big family in tiny Gaza, surrounded by the protecting siege forces of Israel from land, sea and air? What's a little overcrowding and deprivation -- can't they just toughen up a bit? And if it’s as overcrowded as they claim, why do their leaders insist on the right of return for compatriots scattered all over the world? It doesn’t make sense!
Can’t those Palestinians understand that every time armed invaders establish themselves on native land, it has to be held through force? Surely they can't expect the descendants of European Jews who came to settle "empty" Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s to be any different.

And it seems so unreasonable that the Palestinians should envy their uninvited Jewish "neighbors" in the Occupied West Bank, with their paved roads, beautiful parks, fine houses, swimming pools, community centres, schools and health clinics.

Maybe they should form Palestinian Welcome Wagon clubs instead, to send flowers, falafel, pita and hummus to settlers arriving from Canada and the U.S. to enjoy in their new homes in the Occupied West Bank.

No, I just do not understand those Palestinians. Why do their leaders lament that the people are losing hope for the future? Is 70% unemployment so bad? If the Israelis bomb their power generating station, they'll only miss their favorite TV shows and air conditioners.

The Palestinians are too impatient anyway. Israelis have occupied their native lands in Gaza and the West Bank for only 43 years -- not 200! And didn't Israel dismantle some Jewish settlements in Gaza?...

Why must Palestinians be so greedy? All they do is talk, talk, talk, about ridiculous issues like peace with justice, or an independent state of their own. Shouldn’t they be more considerate and leave all that empty West Bank land to the new Jewish settlers without so much fuss?...
Stop it, Elmo, you're killin' me!

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