Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just Chill, Umbrage-Takers

Lyn Crosbie has some advice for those who had a meltdown over a silly TV reality show:
...Since pulled from YouTube, but available on Perez TV and elsewhere, the reel is already well-known for some shocking moments: a muscle man mildly derides gay men; and a woman says she hates everyone, “especially Jewish people.”
This sort of controversy feels canned and forced. Because the members of the cast are so parlously lacking in charisma and the show so challenged by the inauthenticity of its connection to the original (Lake Shore is not a spinoff of Jersey Shore), the cast must have been ordered to act as offensively as possible to get attention.

And if we take the bait, if we take umbrage at the obviously falsified scandals, we are only drawing more undue attention to this pseudo-event...
A message that, dollars to Timbits, will fall on deaf ears.

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