Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oy to the Vey

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, a man who should really know better, touts an absurd mentorship program as a way to fight Jew-hate. From the Toronto Sun:
OTTAWA — Canada is a model of pluralism that other countries can learn from, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney told an international conference in Ottawa on Tuesday.
Speaking before the conference of the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism, Kenney told the audience Canada is a tremendous model for integrating people from around the world. But for all the success, Kenney said Canada also has challenges that must be addressed if that success is to continue.

“As Canada maintains the highest levels of immigration in the world, we find increasingly that the most virulent and sometimes violent forms of xenophobia, racism, intolerance and prejudice come and are experienced between new Canadians who come from the same country or region of origin,” Kenny said.

The immigration minister cited several examples of visiting ethnic communities across the country and hearing those groups blame violence, vandalism and other problems on ethnic rivals from their home country or region.

Kenney said Canada has relaunched its multicultural programs to focus on building bridges and dissolving hatred.

“Such as through our Somali-Jewish mentorship program,” Kenney said.

The Somali-Jewish program is a local program in Ottawa that partners Somali youth, many of whom came to Canada as young refugees, with Jewish mentors in business or professional occupations...
Such errant nonsense. As if that's going to make a dent in the jihad imperative and the Allahu Akbar mentality.

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