Monday, November 8, 2010

Pack Up Your Bollocks in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile

From the city of Edmonton, Alberta comes news about a cutting edge anti-racism campaign:
EDMONTON - Controversy is brewing over a city-sponsored anti-racism campaign that calls on Caucasians to recognize their "white privilege".
At least one Edmonton city councillor says the campaign makes a point, while a Conservative politician is saying the wording is all wrong.

"A white person looking for an apartment to rent does not face similar challenges that an aboriginal person does," said councillor Amarjeet Sohi, explaining what is meant by the phrase white privilege.

But Ryan Hastman, the federal Conservative candidate for the Edmonton-Strathcona, said he's concerned because the campaign's focus on white people is too narrow.

"If we try to address these issues by singling out groups, it seems to be counterproductive," said Hastman, who posted some of his concerns on Twitter.

The City of Edmonton and 13 Edmonton organizations - including the Edmonton Police Service, Alberta Human Rights Commission and Edmonton Catholic Schools - are behind the Racism-Free Edmonton campaign.

The campaign is focused on identifying and resolving institutional barriers faced by aboriginal people and other racial groups in Edmonton, according to a City of Edmonton release.

The campaign aims to have 30,000 Edmontonians sign a scroll committing to defeating racism locally.
On the campaign's website,, under the "What can you do to stop racism" heading, the first line reads "acknowledge your white privilege."

"White privilege refers to all the benefits we get just for being white. Most of us are aware of how racism hurts others, but we're not aware of how it benefits us," the site reads.

It then paraphrases Dr. Peggy McIntosh, associate director of the Wellesley Collage (sic) Center for Research on Women, a U.S. college, and her 1989 paper "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack."...
The problem with unpacking such an invisible knapsack, of course, is that it's full of a pack of lies--that only white people are "racist"; that non-whites, being non-white, are inherently more virtuous and cannot themselves manifest racism against others; that such notions in and of themselves are not a form of racism.

As for forcing people to admit their guilt (when they are innocent) in front of others--does it get any creepier or more Maoist than that?

Update: While nutty, self-loathing lefties make themselves feel better by nattering on about "invisible knapsacks," it's the visible ones we should worry about.

Update: BCF espies a poster chick wearing a green kefiyah (demonstrating that "anti-racism" in no way precludes Zionhass, the Jew-hate of our time). FFF wants to know how much of her extorted "white" tax dollars are paying for this crap?

Update: I knew Edmonton could not have come up with this mishegas all on its own. Turns out it's part of a larger--UNESCO larger--scheme.

More and more these days, whenever a really crappy idea is put out into the world, it's a fairly safe bet that the UN (or the OIC, which looms e'er larger at the UN) is behind it.


  1. The chick in their poster is wering a Kafeiyah, some anti-racism message - NO Jews or Whites!

  2. More like a sharia message (no Jews or other kafirs) I'd say.

  3. I went to college in Edmonton, where I worked and lived in a rather dismal and, at times, downright scary part of town. I quite often saw guys walking around with hats or hoodies emblazoned with the term "Native Power". I don't know if it was a gang or what (It is not something that makes one approachable, so I never asked). I often wondered, if I walked around trying to look tough and pissed off all the time with the words "White Power" on my shirt, who would get me first, the cops, or the 'downtrodden'.

  4. Silly, Joel. Don't you know that when "natives" or other "victims" do it, it isn't--it can't be-- "racism"? It's a protest re their oppression by a white/Western/Jewish/colonialist/imperialist

    Sheesh. Get with the Marxist program, 'kay? ;)

  5. What's this you say? Our "Human Rights" Commissions at the forefront of our own Maoist Cultural Revoltion?

    Ridicule is the best counter weapon against this sort of thing, so let the mocking commence!
