Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Drugs Is HE On?

Just heard senescent gasbag Dick Smythe say in his morning commentary on AM640 that "Obama is the best thing to happen in the U.S. in twenty years."

Update: The "best thing"? Au contraire, writes Roger L. Simon:
...What America is recoiling from is not Obama’s elitist standoffishness (though that doesn’t help), it’s his policies. People don’t want a health care plan passed so hastily that even the Speaker of the House admits she hasn’t read it, a bailout of an inept and bloated automobile company, a stimulus plan that has no discernible positive result, a potential cap-and-trade plan when anthropogenic global warming is turning into a scientific joke, massive unemployment with numbers that were previously unthinkable and, most of all, a national debt so large the federal government and all fifty (not fifty-seven) states may soon be bankrupt.

Beyond that, there is something else that Obama must face that cannot be handled by mere bully pulpits and public relations. Liberalism, as we currently conceive it, is dead. Liberalism’s linchpin (Keynesian economics) — and its handmaiden (deficit spending) can no longer be justified. With an aging population, the welfare state has morphed into an unsustainable Ponzi scheme. The math does not compute...

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