Friday, February 25, 2011

Fashion Backward

House of Dior designer/Jack Sparrow wannabe John Galliano pulls a Mel (Gibson). From thisislondon:
Top British fashion designer John Galliano has been arrested on suspicion of launching a racist diatribe at a couple in a Paris café, it was alleged today.

The Streatham-raised chief designer for fashion house Dior is said to have hurled drunken, racist and abusive insults at a Jewish woman and an Asian male companion at La Perle in the fashionable Marais district.

Witnesses quickly called police during the alleged onslaught in front of dozens of astonished diners. The district is considered the traditional home of the city's Jewish community.

A police source said: "We arrived quickly and broke up the disturbance. The man involved was briefly arrested and released pending charges for assault. Witnesses said he swore heavily, using anti-Jewish insults, before attacking a couple. Both have given witness statements, as have several other people at the bar, including staff."

The source confirmed that Galliano, 50, who has been chief designer at Christian Dior since 1996, was the only person arrested in connection with the alleged attack...
You might not know that, despite his Italian-sounding name, Galliano is a Brit through and through. Make of that what you will.

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