Monday, February 14, 2011

Hopenchange in Egypt? Get a Grip, Folks

Arnold Ahlert writes:
Watching the events in Egypt unfold, I'm getting a serious feeling of deja vu. Does anyone remember the last time a sense of unbridled euphoria, irrespective of reality, overcame great numbers of people? I'll give you a hint: Think about two words that could best describe the emotional mood of the Egyptian people, coupled with what they have been demanding. What are Egyptians filled with? Hope. What have they demanded and received? Change. Hope and change. Sound familiar?
Don't get me wrong. Freedom is a beautiful thing. But note that I said freedom, not democracy. Democracy brought the Nazis to power in Germany, and Hamas to power in the Gaza Strip. Those entities and others elected by the people crushed freedom once they had attained power. Speaking of Nazis, guess which entity in the Middle East aligned themselves with Hitler during WWII? If you said Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, go to the head of the class.

And whole you're at it, send National Intelligence Director James Clapper to the back row. If the man truly believes what he said about the Muslim Brotherhood, that they are "largely secular" and "have eschewed violence," he's done something very few people can do: He's made the attachment of his name to his job title an oxymoron.

Yet there's something even more troubling about what Clapper said. If it reflects the sentiments of one profoundly misguided individual, that's bad enough. Yet has anyone else in this administration gone on the record to condemn the Muslim Brotherhood? Before leaving the job, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said reform in Egypt "has to include a whole host of important nonsecular actors that give Egypt a strong chance to continue to be [a] stable and reliable partner."...
Muslim Brothers as "partners"? Dream on, kafir.

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