Tuesday, February 8, 2011

OHRC Chock Full o' Nuts

Barbara Hall's Ontario "human rights" racket is having another one of its "going out for business" sales (because why wait for "victims" to come to you when you can find so many more of 'em on your own?). Details here:
The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) wants to hear from you! As part of our consultation on human rights and mental health, we are holding round-table sessions in four locations across Ontario. Two sessions are scheduled for Windsor on February 17, 2011
General session: 8:45 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society
1671 Riverside Dr. E.
Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 5B5
Private session: 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Mental Health Connections
370 Erie Street East
Windsor, ON N9A 3X3
We will also host sessions in Toronto, Ottawa and North Bay (watch for more information on these sessions at http://www.ohrc.on.ca/).
These sessions will help us to do research and develop a policy on discrimination against people with mental health disabilities and addictions. The goals of the consultation are to:

* Collect individual stories of discrimination

* Hear the views of consumer/survivors, people with addictions, rental housing providers, service providers, employers, advocates and others

* Identify key areas and themes of discrimination experienced by people with mental health and addiction disabilities on an individual and systemic level

* Identify how to help communicate everyone’s rights and responsibilities under the Ontario Human Rights Code

* Identify solutions and best practices to deal with discrimination.

In these sessions, you will be able to discuss various questions about the rights of people with mental health disabilities and addictions to be free from discrimination in employment, housing and services. Some of the discussion questions are included in a consultation paper we have prepared for the session.

Round-table sessions are open to anyone, including people who identify as having mental health and addiction disabilities, employers, service providers, housing providers, advocates and supporters.

Light refreshments and beverages will be served...
Isn't that great--you get "dinner" and a show?

I have no doubt that people with mental health issues face tremendous challenges--first and foremost, our provincial health care system's abject failure to provide them the treatment they need. (There's also the problem that, because of pressure from "human rights" types, seriously mentally disturbed invididuals have the "right" to decline treatment--but that's another story.) I have no faith at all, however, that Babs and her "human rights" enforcers are the ones to help solve these problems. What's happening here, I'd suggest, has far more to do with the Commissars flexing their muscles and justifying their benighted existence than it does with helping those who have mental health problems.

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