Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Old Blue Eyes Sings One for the Bro's and their Boy Mo ElBee

How glad the scads and scads of
Ahmeds and Muhammads would be
If they were "free."
But you're so "charismatic,"
The choice of the fanatic.
You appeared and people cheered.
You're the straw man of the raving Muslim Bro's.
How they won you, it was easy, I suppose.
It's not that you're magnetic
But Hosni got 'em too splenetic
And anon he will be gone.

They've got a crush on you,
Mo ElBee,
All the day and night-time
Hear them seethe.
Mubarak he was so tight-fisted
But he's been thrashed and been resisted.
Could you lead, could you hold?
Or like a timid Prufrock will you fold?
The world is pushin' such mush.
But will the Ikhwan crush
Their baby--that's you?

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